Administration » Discipline Office

Discipline Office

Martin Telles

The Discipline office strives to provide a safe and positive educational environment for all students and staffThrough progressive discipline practices, this office is committed to supporting the well-being of all students and building relationships to promote student success. Additionally, this office supports and works collaboratively with the special education department to ensure students have access to appropriate support services to ensure their success.  


Mr. Martin Telles
Assistant Principal of Discipline
(909) 988-7411 Ext 2030 

Email: [email protected]


Mrs. Jenny Sunderland
Discipline Secretary
(909) 988-7411 Ext 2031

Email: [email protected]


Visitor Policy

Visitors are not allowed on any of the Chaffey District Campuses without first receiving permission and obtaining a visitors pass in the Administration Office.

Important School Rules
